Welcome to Håll Käften Rasmus
Swedish Alternative Music Distro





upcoming shit


Is your band interested in letting Håll Käften Rasmus release your cassette or do you like to be on one of our compilations?
Here's the tapes that are planned for now:

Håll Käften Rasmus next project is another "various artist tape",
this time without any geographical restrictions. This means that
your band is more than welcome to join the tape! As long as
you play some kind of "hard punk music" such as crust,
hardcore, grindcore, powerviolence, etc. Just send us an e-mail
before you send us the tape/record.
The name of this tape is not yet decided.
idd - stjernjerry@gotmail.com | tabb - trosky@tjohoo.se

There will be more.....